Waymarked ways in Ireland : User profiles and numbers and route management strategies
There is little profiling waymarked Way users in Ireland. This report briefly reviews walking as an elment of the tourism indutry and the background to the development of Waymarked Ways in Ireland. It outlines the methodology and result of research work undertaken over two yearson the Wicklow, Kerry and Ballyhoura Ways and it discusses the findings of Waymarked Way user surveys and Way monitoring techniques.
Référence : VVA–2518–M
Auteur : BOYLE, Ken
Editeur : The Dublin Institute of Technology
Thème : Voies vertes et aménagements
Nombre de page : 54 p.
Type : Monographie M
Pays : Ireland/Eire
L’article fait référence à une/plusieurs ligne(s) :
Waymarked ways in Ireland : User profiles and numbers and route management strategies / BOYLE, Ken - The Dublin Institute of Technology, 1999
Monographie M - English