Greenways for Europe
Since 1998 the Czech Greenways have been sharing theire experience with the "Amber Trails Greenway , a model for cross-border cooperation linking the neighboring countries of Poland , Slovakia, and Hungary. The Environmental Partenership for Centrale Europe Consortium, wich is is managing the Greenways programs in all four Central European countries and the American Friends of the Czech Greenways have initiated the creation of a Greenways program also in Austria, a member of the European Union
Référence : VVA–2544–M
Auteur :
Editeur : Central European Greenways
Thème : Voies vertes et aménagements
Nombre de page :
Type : Monographie M
Pays : Europe/Europa
L’article fait référence à une/plusieurs ligne(s) :
Greenways for Europe / - Central European Greenways, 2001
Monographie M - English